Camden Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Historical research into this site has shown that it was originally occupied by a courtyard of presumably residential properties that were later converted for manufacturing use as was typical of many of buildings along Camden Street.

Many of the surviving historic buildings in close proximity to the site are currently unoccupied and are awaiting renovation or redevelopment. In recent years there have been significant number of residential properties created through both large and small scale developments.
The proposed scheme, designed to reflect the urban context of the site, utilises a limited palette of materials in line with the character of the Jewellery Quarter. Facing Brickwork is used as the main elevational material. A strong elevational grid with recessed infill panels establishes hierarchy and contributes to the legibility, proportions and rhythm of the design. Fenestration is proportioned to respond to examples of diminishing window proportions as found throughout the quarter. Composite aluminium and timber windows are proposed to provide a high quality and sustainable alternative to the traditional steel and timber windows historically utilised.